
Intro text

Where you'll find the content from our online events - talks, interviews, training, and lots more!

Houseparty@home day 1
Rev. Archie Coates and Joe Watson

In the lockdown summer of 2020 we were forced to move our family houseparties online. Here's a taste of the content provided by friends of the Stewards' Trust. Each one of them has been impacted personally by our work. You can find out how in each day's interview.

Day one included Archie Coates amazing talk on 'Trust and control' and Joe Watson bringing the bible to life for kids by reading 'The teeny-weeny true king' from 'The Jesus Storybook Bible'.


Houseparty@home day 2
Pete Portal & Nicola Pike

Day two highlights from houseparty@home include Pete Portal speaking about 'True worship' and the seriously talented Nicola Pike creatively unpacking 'Authenticity' for our kids - with some hilarious help from husband Jonny.

Houseparty@home day 3
Vics Goldring & Joe Watson

Day three on houseparty@home and we're joined by Vics Goldring sharing about 'Silence and Solitude' and Joe Watson brings us another dramatic narration from 'The Jesus Storybook Bible' - this time it's 'Daniel and the scary sleepover'.

Houseparty@home day 4
Toby Flint (adults) and Nicola Pike (kids)

More great content from houseparty@home. Today, Toby Flint helps us understand more about suffering and Nicola Pike gets all creative again - this time looking at the 'Golden Rule'.

Houseparty@home Day 5
Pat Allerton & Joe Watson

The final day of houseparty@home saw Pat Allerton explaining why 'Strength is nothing, anointing is everything' and Joe Watson narrating, as only she can, 'Running away' from 'The Jesus Storybook Bible'.

Worship and relationships
Tim and Rachel Hughes

Stewards' Trust VLOG on worship and relationships with the pastors of St Lukes Gas Street Church in Birmingham, Tim and Rachel Hughes.

Jeremy Jennings

Stewards' Trust VLOG where Jamie chats with Jeremy Jennings. Jeremy was HTB's former Director of Prayer, Chairman of 24/7 prayer and a trustee of St Mellitus College. He knows a thing or two about prayer!