Connect Autumn 2020 - Rebuilding after Coronavirus

From this place of hope and reliance we begin to rebuild, holding plans lightly, listening to God, ready to adapt, and all the time trusting Him for our future.
Jimi Gale (Chief Executive)

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

It's good to be reminded of the word 'plans'. In case you've forgotten, plans are what we used to make before Covid!

As we look back with disappointment on a year of cancelled plans (in our case houseparties, camps and events), we can also reflect on rich but unexpected blessings. We're learning that our hope doesn't rest in our plans but in God and his plans for us. From this place of hope and reliance we begin to rebuild, holding plans lightly, listening to God, ready to adapt, and all the time trusting Him for our future.

We want to share our lightly held, flexible plans for next year with you:

  • We won't be producing a full brochure of our events for 2021. Sorry.
  • Watch this space though because in November we will send a 'save the date' card of the events we have started to plan (Youth, Family and Adult).
  • Our hope, prayer and aim is to restart residential events with Easter Youth Camps.
  • Bookings will not open for any events until January at the earliest.
  • We will keep you updated with developments and highlight any online alternatives if residential events can't go ahead.

The verses from Jeremiah form part of an invitation. One that must have sounded so sweet - come home! To a familiar place, a place filled with memories, a place to be with your friends and families, a place to be with God. That same feeling of 'coming home' is one many of us feel when arriving at a Stewards' Trust event. God willing, we invite you to join us again in 2021.

Ultimately, these verses also form part of an invitation to rebuild - a city, a nation and relationship with God. We invite your help as we also seek to rebuild - our ST 'family', our communities of discipleship. We need you, our amazing volunteers, more than ever - youth leaders, musicians, cooks, hosts. Will you join us in the rebuilding of something unique, beautiful and treasured by so many?
